Hmmm, I could write a song about that, it would be a sad one.
think of how much time and money the tower stole from any who were in the cult.
think of the vacations as a child you could have taken with your families the memories you could have made instead of sitting in a hot bs week of echo talks and propaganda.
they stole so much from us.
Hmmm, I could write a song about that, it would be a sad one.
to think they have hung the blue and white sign on every building they own in the world and that this was a publicity campaign with the presumed backing of the god of the universe....... it's not going well.. despite the 8.5 million followers, who through design have to visit the isn't even in the top ten..... top fifty..... top one hundred two hundred visited sites globally.. users on average click through 7 pages per visit and don't stay long, averaging about a minute a page.. as for the data on its search over time '' is now googled globally at a rate less than 25% of its peak and is usually associated for a search for the daily text.. .
between this and the carts, the only message getting through to real people is 'child abuse' and that woman from king of queens taking an interest!.
i sincerely think we are seeing evidence of what has been anecdotal decline...... waited long enough for it!.
S&R, thanks for posting, if you break it down on a country by country basis, it seems that most of the interest is coming from a few countries in central Africa. That is great news, a very needy people with no money to give.
reports indicate that many people are physically and emotionally getting sick because they are disturbed by political matters.
some require professional help!.
Reports indicate that many people are physically and emotionally getting sick because they are disturbed by political matters. Some require professional help!
Greta Thunberg for example.
apparently someone put this short message on posters and it's driving people mad because they don't know how they are supposed to react to it.. do you agree or disagree?
is it insulting women, islam, both or neither?.
it's a clever sign and really shows up the cognitive dissonance of the lefts identity politics..
Simon Said - Each is happy to use the other thinking they will turn on them at the last minute and have control.
This is exactly what happened in the 1979 Iran revolution, the Ayatollah rose to power on the back of the lefty students and then put them all against the wall.
thought this might be interesting for those considering leaving watchtower religion .
Reddit should get a boost out of this.
a couple of months ago, i reported on my congregation being disolved and merged with another.. on sept 1, cong b merged with cong a using the same hall, thereafter using cong a's meeting times.
also nearby cong c moved into the hall using cong b's meeting times and cong c's kh is being put up for sale.. i've since been to both sunday meetings and both midweek meetings.
at all, the parking lot is totally full, cars have to park around the corner and on the street.
Oh, we are splitting at the seams, we had better pass the hat among the brothers and build a new hall to take up the great increase.
since june 2016 i have kept a journal of my encounters with jehovah's witnesses at my door or in my street.
i'm a a nosey bastard and a bit of a home body when i'm not at work so i don't miss much of who comes past my home or knocks at the door.. will and dill.. they came to my door on a wednesday morning around 10:30am mid june 2016, i was on afternoon shift and had been reading bart ehrman "misquoting jesus".. what follows is the conversation as best i could recount after they left;.
of the two young gentlemen, dillon, the younger in appearance introduced will and himself, he then proceeded to present me with a brochure about world conditions supposedly getting worse.. me: i could stand at the door nodding in agreement if you like?
RayoFlight2014. as you said, Google is a reliable vaccination against the ongoing propagation of this illness.
dr judy courtin explains to inq why the destruction of documents could have huge ramifications for victims inside the jehovah’s witnesses.. an order by the jehovah’s witnesses in australia to destroy confidential records could undermine a child abuse compensation claim currently being prepared for the supreme court of victoria.
a lawyer representing the victim says she was shocked to learn that the christian body had ordered confidential documents, including notes taken by elders investigating child sexual abuse, to be destroyed.
Yes Smiddy it is a serious offense, the sort of very desperate measure taken by an organisation or government, when you know your post is going to be over run by the enemy and you are about to be done.
victorian parliament has passed laws making it mandatory for priests to report child abuse, including when it is revealed to them during confession.. a bill introduced by the state labor government passed the upper house on tuesday after last week getting a green light from the legislative assembly, with opposition support.. "today we've made victoria a safer place for children.
the special treatment for churches has ended and child abuse must be reported," child protection minister luke donnellan said in a statement....
Thanks Barb, I was working away from home and could not manage to post this great news (from a Victorian).
“get out of here—this is my father’s funeral; you don’t belong here; you are a liar!”.
the woman’s face reflected terrible pain—the worst pain possible, to the point of breakdown.
a thousand unanswered questions washed from her eyes by the flow of many tears.
18 years down the track and there has been honest inquiry into the motive of the offenders.